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I’m Not Buying It. The Price is Not Right!

What is it about famous people that when they come into contact with the law and particularly when they stand in front of a judge in court, the judge goes all ga ga and seems to lose their marbles over them? Take the case of Katie Price, aka glamour model…

CherylGate: should a white woman present Black music?

A couple of Sundays ago I went to see Chineke! Chamber Ensemble. You know who I mean. The orchestra founded in 2015 by Chi-Chi Nwanoku OBE to provide career opportunities for established and yet to be established Black and ethnically diverse classical musicians in the UK and Europe. Chi-Chi’s mission?…

Annabel or Arthur? or, What’s in a Name, part 2

Annabel Bennett. Who is Annabel Bennett? Don’t know? Okay, let me tell you. Annabel Bennett is, er, wait for it…Arthur Parker. What? What are you talking about, I hear you ask? Hold your horses! Annabel Bennett is a composer and as you can tell from her first name, she is…