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Knives in Schools (Again): Will Lessons Ever Be Learnt?

Here we go again! Sorry, that’s not a line from a pop song. It is a sad indictment of our time. Knife crime (on the streets), rampant as it is, is one thing. Knives in school is another. Here we are barely getting our feet under the new year table,…

The Bottom Line?

Some people are just downright shiftless and lazy. Or they just can’t be bothered. It seems. What’s upset J.A. now? I’ll tell ya. Children being sent to school in nappies. Say what? And what’s more, parents think it’s the teacher’s role to be changing nappies and toilet training their kids during school…

Tails Wagging the Dogs? I’m Not Faking Having It!

What in the world…? There is a saying that goes ‘the tail is wagging the dog’ and there is even ‘the lunatics are running the asylum’. You get the general meaning there. And the same could be said of a school in Kent. The matter before us is fake eyelashes. Fake eyelashes? Don’t you…

Why Educated Women No Longer ‘Jump the Broom’

This is a turn-up for the books! The latest thing is that university-educated women are more likely to have their first child without the benefit of clergy. By that I mean, before getting married. No jumping the broom or plighting their troth for these bachelor’s or master’s degree-laden women. No…