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Do Racists Need Educating – or Punishing?

Oh, what a night! The Euros. The Final. The Team. The Lions. This England. The Pens. The Misses. The Heartache. The Tears. The Usual. But that was only half the story. The other half? Racism. Just as painful. Yes, folks, that nasty insidious enemy of the people made its presence…

Death in Paradise – For Real?

One of my all-time favourite shows, which has graced our television screens over the past 10 years, is Death in Paradise, that British-French cosy crime caper set on the fictional Caribbean isle of Saint Marie (which is really filmed on a Caribbean Island: just so you know), where folks, some…

How Secure is Airport Security?

At first, I thought this was funny. And it made me giggle. A little old lady with her neat little white bob foxing the aviation giants by getting through airport security – intense airport security at that – with no travel documents and getting herself on a plane bound for…

Curls and Chlorine…

Chlorine and curls do not mix. That is a well-known universal truth. And that is why many Black women won’t go swimming if they can help it. It’s the hair thing. As most Black women use chemical relaxers in their hair, this makes hair susceptible to chlorine damage which can,…

Celebrating a Year of Blogging

A year ago, in April 2020, I started this blog – which, I have to say, I did somewhat reluctantly. I was never seriously interested in the concept of ‘blogging’. I tried to be. So much so, I signed up for and attended numerous courses on how to blog. Hey,…

Annabel or Arthur? or, What’s in a Name, part 2

Annabel Bennett. Who is Annabel Bennett? Don’t know? Okay, let me tell you. Annabel Bennett is, er, wait for it…Arthur Parker. What? What are you talking about, I hear you ask? Hold your horses! Annabel Bennett is a composer and as you can tell from her first name, she is…

What’s In a Name?

What’s in a name? To most people, not a lot; while for others it means a great deal. Take the name of Kayo Anosike. I think this is an agreeable name to be walking around with. It has a nice ring to it. But if it was your name, do…

Naming and Shaming Teenage Killers

What can I say, the law is an ass? Justice is blind? Any of that would make the grade for my current groan. I am one of the first to say that when children commit crimes, they should be allowed to be educated and rehabilitated with the hope of becoming…

Why ‘progress’ may lead to more miscarriages of justice

I will say it again, as I said it before five years ago in my column ‘Musings with Lovelock’ (Jamaica Times UK) – I have a thing about miscarriages of justice. I don’t like it that innocent people are convicted and jailed for a crime they did not commit. However,…

Who Gets to Live or Die?

Just checking – has 2020 gone? Yep. Good. Phew! We made it. We made it through that emotional, mental, and even physical ‘war-zone’ of a virus. Beaten and battered but still hanging in there. Here we are at the start of a new year. And even though we are not…